Behind a ticket, how many people worked silently

Do you know how many civil aviation people are protecting behind a ticket?

Today I saw a promo called "Behind a Ticket"

With the hard work of countless civil aviation people, we have shown the story behind a ticket to the majority of passengers.

behind a ticket

there are 26 departments

79 jobs

more than 16,000 civil aviation personnel who persevere day and night.

Your first flight involves silent contributions from ground service, security, freight, fire fighting, fuel, control, field affairs, bird repellent, stowage, medical treatment, meteorology, flight, flight attendant, and so on.

Behind your flight are 26 departments, 79 types of jobs, and the joint efforts of more than 12,000 staff members.

You have never seen them, but they hide behind every ticket and guard you silently.

They are civil aviation people!

Behind a ticket, how many people worked silently Behind a ticket, how many people worked silently Reviewed by airmedia on September 08, 2021 Rating: 5

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