Save passengers at any cost, South China Airlines flight to Guiyang "active" delay of 27 minutes


The flight crew rescued passengers in time

At 18:16 on November 10, 2021, passengers on flight CZ6988 from Sanya to Guiyang were boarding, when suddenly the call bell rang sharply in the cabin in row 48, seat C, making the heart of Tang Xiaoxuan, the flight attendant on duty at China Southern Airlines Guizhou, tighten.

With her teammates, she walked quickly to the call seat and immediately noticed that the passenger's physical condition was different. She saw a young male passenger with stiff muscles and twitching body, accompanied by foaming at the mouth, blue lips, loss of consciousness and other symptoms, the condition is very dangerous and urgent.

"Immediately broadcast to seek medical attention, put down the seat back to flatten the body, unbuckle the passenger's seat belt and belt, keep the airway open, feedback to the crew, continue to call passengers, fast!" Time is life, the crew immediately acted according to Tang Xiaoxuan's instructions.

The flight attendant brought warm water to help passengers relieve their discomfort
"Even if it produces flight delays, we have to wait until the lives of passengers are safe before we can take off!" People's airline for the people, the captain and co-pilot flying this flight are from China Southern Airlines Xinjiang Company. After learning of the situation, they quickly cooperated with the support crew rescue operations, the first time to contact the airport emergency center and related security units, to ensure that the lives of passengers are not at risk.

  Fortunately, a paramedic from Xinjiang, Mr. Zhao, happened to be on the same flight. He came immediately after hearing the in-flight announcement and initially judged that the sick passenger was suspected of having an epileptic seizure.

  "Put a wet towel in the mouth to prevent tongue bite, in addition to pinch 'tiger mouth' points, prepare oxygen cylinders to help him breathe oxygen ......" 18:23, in the calm response of medical staff and cabin crew The passenger gradually stopped convulsing, although still in a semi-conscious state, but the symptoms have been effectively relieved. Subsequently, the flight crew brought a cup of warm water for the passenger to drink, helping him to relieve his symptoms as soon as possible.

  At 18:25, the airport emergency personnel on board, according to the patient's condition comprehensive judgment has been unsuitable to continue to fly. After gradually regaining consciousness, the passenger agreed to get off the plane for further diagnosis and treatment.

  At 18:33, Tang Xiaoxuan helped the sick passenger to the cabin door and handed him over to the first aid personnel to accompany him and left, before slowly putting down his heart that had been "hanging on". When the flight took off again, it was 18:57 that day, 27 minutes later than the original planned departure time.

  "This flight is our 'initiative' delay, because life is priceless, so regardless of the cost." After performing the day's flight, when recalling this "late flight" event, the crew and crew members spoke in unison with warm and powerful words that spoke loudly.
Save passengers at any cost, South China Airlines flight to Guiyang "active" delay of 27 minutes Save passengers at any cost, South China Airlines flight to Guiyang "active" delay of 27 minutes Reviewed by airmedia on November 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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